Environment variables in Docker

To pass environment variables to a container via a Dockerfile, you have 3 main methods:

(1) Using the -e flag:

docker run -e MY_VAR1="foo" -e MY_VAR2="fii" my_docker_image

(2) Using a .env file:

docker run --env-file=.env my_docker_image

(3) Mounting a volume:

docker run -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container my_docker_image

Let’s explore the 3 main methods to pass environment variables to a container via Dockerfile.

To perfectly understand, I pre-baked a short example you can glance over in the pre-requisite section that we will reuse in the following sections.


You have the following structure:

├── Dockerfile
└── scripts
│   └── create_file.sh

The `create_file.sh“ bash script contains the following lines:


set -e

cat> dummy.txt <<EOL
here is my first var: $MY_VAR1
and here my second one: $MY_VAR2.

and the Dockerfile is as follow:

FROM python

COPY . /app

COPY --chmod=755 ./scripts/create_file.sh /app/scripts/create_file.sh

CMD /app/scripts/create_file.sh && cat dummy.txt

Using the -e flag

zsh> docker build -t my_docker_image .

zsh> docker run -e MY_VAR1="foo" -e MY_VAR2="fii" my_docker_image
here is my first var: foo
and here my second one: fii.

Note: the variables are replaced at run time, i.e. in the processes launched by the CMD command. Should you run the aforementioned script in a RUN instruction (i.e. during the build time), the variables would not have been replaced. See the below example:

FROM python

COPY . /app

COPY --chmod=755 ./scripts/create_file.sh /app/scripts/create_file.sh

RUN /app/scripts/create_file.sh

CMD cat dummy.txt

The above image would have rendered the following once executed:

zsh> docker build -t my_docker_image .

zsh> docker run -e MY_VAR1="foo" -e MY_VAR2="fii" my_docker_image
here is my first var:
and here my second one: .

It could be however cumbersome to pass on all your variables in a command line, especially when you have multiple environment variables. It can then become handy to rather use an environment file.

Using an .env file

You can achieve the same results as previously. Simply add a .env file in your root project containing the following lines:


You should now have the following structure:

├── Dockerfile
├── scripts
│   └── create_file.sh
└── .env

Then, simply run:

zsh> docker run --env-file=.env  my_docker_image
here is my first var: "foo"
and here my second one: "fii".

Note: You most always want to .gitignore the content of the .env file.

Mounting volumes

Sometimes you want to share files stored on your host system directly with the remote container. This can be useful for instance in the case where you want to share configuration files for a server that you intend to run on a Docker container.

Via this method, you can access directories from the remote.

So, let’s say you have the following architecture:

├── Dockerfile
├── conf
│   └── dummy.txt
└── scripts
│   └── create_file.sh

The content of the text file is as follow:

here is my first var: "foo"
and here my second one: "fii".

And the Dockerfile contains the following lines:

FROM python

COPY . /app

CMD cat /conf/dummy.txt

You can therefore see the outcome:

zsh> docker build -t my_docker_image .

zsh> docker run -v /relative/path/project/conf:/conf my_docker_image
here is my first var: "foo"
and here my second one: "fii".

Should you change the content of the dummy.txt file on the host, the outcome would also be changed while running the image in the container without you needing to build the image again:

zsh> docker run -v /relative/path/project/conf:/conf my_docker_image
here is my first var: "fuu"
and here my second one: "faa".

Note: A container is a running instance of an image. Multiple containers can derive from an image. An image is a blueprint, a template for containers, containing all the code, libraries and dependencies.

You should be now ready to go!