List Enabled Services per GCP projects

The bellow snippet will return the list of all enabled APIs (aka. Services) for the select Google Cloud Platform project.

import subprocess, os

project = "your-gcp-project"
export_dir = "export/"

command = (
    f"gcloud services list --enabled --project {project}"
    f" > {os.path.join(export_dir, project)}.txt"
status =, shell=True)
print("success:", status == 0, "\ncommand:", command)

The script relies on you having installed gcloud. The authentication is a one-time operation done during gcloud initialization after the installation, via gcloud init.

Note: In the aforementioned snippet, you can notice the fstring is written as a form of a multi-line statement. I prefer this convention, I explain why in more details here.

One idea for the visualization step would be then to display the list of enabled apis per project on a heat-map.

Why Monitoring Enabled APIs

Monitoring the Services/APIs you have enabled on your Google Cloud Platform projects becomes handy when you want to limit exposure (security) and cost-related fees (FinOps). E.g. at the time of this writing, enabling services like BigQuery on a project is just one-click away that can easily be done via the UI. Some of them can potentially bill you with a prime-time subscription fee of €300.

Upload Airflow DAG to DAGs folder (hosted on Google Cloud Composer)

One you have your DAG defined under a nice file, you need to transfer it from your local environment to the DAGs/ folder of your Airflow instance.

├── dags
├── airflow_dag_repo
├── poetry.lock
└── pyproject.toml

This can be done manually via the Command Line Interface, replacing the Gitlab $airflow_gcs_bucket_dev environment variable by the storage location your running Airflow instance relies on:

gsutil cp -r ./dags* gs://$airflow_gcs_bucket_dev/dags/airflow_dag_repo/

In our case, we consider our Airflow instance spinning on the Google Cloud Composer Service from Google Cloud Platform and using Cloud Storage as Storage Service. Thus the use of the gsutil that lets us access Cloud Storage (where our DAGs/ folder is located).

The second best option would be to integrate this command execution within your Gitlab CI/CD pipeline execution.

However, the most advanced and preferred option (like, the ultimate no-brainer) would be to use Terraform.

Run the extra mile

You want to reduce the workload that the Airflow Parser has to deal with. Thus, to improve the parsing time, send zip compressed files and remove unnecessary noises e.g. pruning away cache folders:

zip -r ./dags ./airflow_dag_repo
gsutil cp -r gs://$airflow_gcs_bucket_dev/dags/
locals {
    dags = fileset("${var.root_dir}/../../dags/", "**")
    code = toset([
        for file in fileset("${var.root_dir}/../../airflow_dag_repo/", "**"):
            file if length(regexall(".*__pycache__.*", file)) == 0
    upload_folder = replace(var.service_name, "-", "_")

resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "dags" {
    for_each = local.dags
    name   = "dags/${local.upload_folder}/${each.key}"
    source = "${var.root_dir}/../../dags/${each.key}"
    bucket = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.airflow_bucket.secret_data

resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "code" {
    for_each = local.code
    name   = "dags/${local.upload_folder}/${each.key}"
    source = "${var.root_dir}/../../airflow_dag_repo/${each.key}"
    bucket = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.airflow_bucket.secret_data

Note: the service_name is inferred by terragrunt

locals {
    git_remote_origin_url = run_cmd("--terragrunt-quiet", "git", "config", "--get", "remote.origin.url")
    service_name = run_cmd("--terragrunt-quiet", "basename", "-s", ".git", local.git_remote_origin_url)
├── dags
├── airflow_dag_repo
├── terraform
├── terragrunt
    ├── dev
        ├── env.hcl
        ├── env.tfvars
        └── terragrunt.hcl
    ├── prod
        ├── env.hcl
        ├── env.tfvars
        └── terragrunt.hcl
    └── terragrunt.hcl
├── poetry.lock
└── pyproject.toml