Use Python Fixtures in Classes

TL;DR: use scope, @pytest.mark.usefixtures and request.cls to define your fixture as attribute of the class.

With pytest you can use fixtures to have a nice delimitation of responsibilities within your test modules, sticking to the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:

import pytest

def get_some_data():
    yield "get some data"

def test_reading_data(get_some_data):
    assert get_some_data == "get some data"

If the following code works, what about if you want to organize your tests functions within classes? Naively you would assume the following to be a fair implement:

import pytest

def get_some_data():
    yield "get some data"

class TestDummy(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_dummy(self, get_some_data):
        assert get_some_data() == "get some data"

Running poetry run pytest -vvvs tests/path/to/ will return the following error in the traceback:

E       TypeError: TestDummy.test_dummy() missing 1 required positional argument: 'get_some_data'

In order to use python fixture within a class, you need to edit the above snippet for the following as you cannot call fixtures directly:

import pytest

def get_some_data():
    yield "get some data"

class TestDummy(unittest.TestCase):

    def _get_some_data(self, get_some_data):
        self.get_some_data = get_some_data

    def test_dummy(self):
        assert self.get_some_data == "get some data"

Note that _get_some_data will be called once per test by default which is inconvenient if you have to perform request through the network e.g. requests.get(""). You can change this behaviour by adapting the scope:

def get_some_data():
    yield "get some data"

def define_get_data_attribute(request, get_some_data):
    request.cls._get_some_data = get_some_data

class TestDummy(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_dummy(self):
        assert self._get_some_data == "get some data"

Note that the request object gives access to the requesting test context such as the cls attribute. More here.

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