Do not return null values

It is always a bad idea to write a method returning a null value because it requires the client to remember to check for null:

  1. it is foisting problems upon the caller methods, postponing conditional checks and creating work for later on that one might forget to implement.
  2. it invites errors; all it takes is one missing none checks to have your application spinning out of control.
  3. if you are still tempted to return none from a method, consider throwing an exception or special-case object instead.

Note: this works well for methods returning iterable types e.g. list, set, strings… as you can just return an empty list. Returning an empty custom-object such as instantiated class is more hairy. In such edge-case only, you can return null.

from config.constants import REGISTERED_ITEMS

def retrieve_registered_item_information(item):
    if item is not None:
        item_id = item.get_id()
        if item_id is not None:
            return REGISTERED_ITEMS.get_item(item_id).get_info()

As a demonstration for our second aforementioned point, did you noticed the fact that there wasn’t a null check in the last line? What about the item not being retrieved among the REGISTERED_ITEMS but you, still trying to access the get_info() method of a None element? You will get an error for sure.


You have the following structured json object you want to extract the id from:

    "id": "42",
    "name": "some_name",
    "data": [...]
def get_object_id(object: dict) -> str | None:
    candidate_id = None
        candidate_id = object["id"]
    except KeyError as message:
        logger.error(f"Error retrieving the object id: {message}")
    return candidate_id

The above method is not ideal:

  1. You have a mixed type between str and None. You do not want your method to be schizophrenic but rather it to be type-consistent instead.
  2. Some python versions do not accept type annotations with | operators. Python 3.9+ solves this problem.

Instead, always favour the following accessor method as a nice remedy:

def get_object_id(object: dict) -> str:
    candidate_id = ""
        candidate_id = object["id"]
    except KeyError as message:
        logger.error(f"Error retrieving the object id: {message}")
    return candidate_id

There are multiple reasons and benefits for that:

  1. You remove the returned type ambiguity and the returned type is consistent. Whatever might happens, you always return a string value.
  2. It removes the type annotation error you might get on the old python versions otherwise.

Caution: Last but not the least, note that python always implicitly returns a None value; wether you add a return statement or not. The three following code snippets are equivalent:

def foo():

def faa():

def fii():
    return None

You can try it yourself:

python> result = foo()
python> print(result)

The advantage of explicitly using a return is that it acts as a break statement:

def fuu():
    return 42
    a = 5
    return a
python> fuu()


  • We have used a logger object to handle logs for us. More on python logging in this article (in progress).
  • We have prefixed the names of our accessor methods using get. More on how to find meaningful names for your variables in this article (in progress).

As a conclusion, you do not want to rock the boat. Be careful when returning a null value and always favour other options. Your code will be way cleaner and you will minimize the chance of getting an error 🛶

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