Why using snake case

The snake case is a style of writing in which each space is replaced by an underscode and letters writen in lowercase:


Since the snake_case format is mandatory for some objects, it is then easier to stick to it and generalised its usage throughout.

It is important that you use the snake case because your python code might simply do not work otherwise:

from helpers.math-module import incr

def test_incr() -> None:
    result = incr(42)
    print(result == 43)

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python main.py
File "path/to/snake_case_project/main.py", line 1
from helpers.math-module import incr
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Instead, change for the following syntax:

    ├── helpers
        ├── __init__.py
        └── math_module.py
    └── main.py
from helpers.math_module import incr

def test_incr() -> None:
    result = incr(42)
    print(result == 43)

if __name__ == "__main__":
> python main.py

Admit that for a language like Python, the snake_case is rather well adapted! 🐍

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